Stefano Rovida
- Independent ICT professional, Management consultant, Project manager.
- Coordinatore Regione Toscana - President of Tuscan Chapter at ITalian Computer Society - Associazione Informatici Professionisti
- CTU Computer forensic examiner at Florence Court
Project Manager, System architect and administrator. Responsible for IT architectural plans for a small number of business in Tuscany and worldwide.
Long experience in ICT matters including security, cryptography and information-deception. Actively collaborating as Computer Forensic expert with Italian law enforcements..
SEO & networking expert.
* IM (Information Management)
* Office automation & Workflow reengineering
* ICT Security (Information and communication technology)
* Purchasing contract management
* Networking architecture
* Virtualization, server consolidation, remotization, downsizing
* Computer Forensics, Digital Investigation, Computer Security, incident response